Anatoly Maslov (born in 19.8.1938, Leningrad)

MASLOV Anatoly Alekseevich, Russian painter, graphic artist and
The graduate of faculty of philosophy LSU. Works are in many museum
collections — from the Museum of history cities (St.-Petersburg)
up to the Museum Hammer (USA). Last after an exhibition in the Novgorod
monastery its exhibition in the Museum nonconformist art on well-known
Pushkinskaya-10 referred to «Hesychasm in secular painting ». The
term «hesychasm» is borrowed from the Byzantian divinity and means
one of the most refined forms of Christian mysticism — the released
contemplation, or «clever making» — a spiritual practice in Orthodoxy.
Pictures of the artist are meditations of medieval icon painters
come back spheres of a space age. Anatoly Maslov — the portraitist
of angels writing them from a nature. The maximum heavenly pilotage
in медитативности. However, the essence of an exposition has fallen
outside the limits hesychasm on coast of the Petersburg landscapes
where once on the Sink there lived the master of a feather Pushkin.
If it to read, you will hear poetry. Then on the Sink there lived
the master of other feather Maslov. If to peer into its landscapes
poetry you will see. Petersburg of Maslov is an illustration to
Petersburg of Pushkin.
The artist lives and works in St.-Petersburg.
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