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500-year's anniversary of theft of the Moon by ColumbusART'S NEWS

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Gallery of galleries in EnglishGallery of Galleries in RussianModern Art Gallery in RussianBeauty will save the world, and art will save beauty

in Art Gallery of Art Galleries


Once more: Buy at first picture for your gallery, and after framework! In our gallery Art shop you can buy pictures, drawings, sculptures, works of decorative art, posters by modern Russian and Ukrainian artists, you can order a reproduction of classical and modern pictures and frames for pictures and graphic art.
You can buy advertisement, banners, a site...

more money and buying...


Frameworks for gallery of your pictures In our gallery Art shop you can buy pictures, drawings, sculptures, works of decorative art, posters by modern Russian and Ukrainian artists, you can order a reproduction of classical and modern pictures and frames for pictures and graphic art.
You can buy advertisement, banners, a site... Kozma Prutkov spoke: «First buy
a picture, and only then a framework!». When you buy a picture
in our gallery, I will sell you a framework.

more works, more pictures and more frames...

  Gallery Guide

search framed picture in the web:
simply drag your key phrase to the form with the mouse!

Advertising by Art Gallery

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For now, many pages are in Russian only. To the images this makes no difference. Their visual language has no need for words.

Gallery in Russian
Art Gallery of Galleries in Russian

Многие страницы написаны только по-русски и пока не переведены на английский.


Рейтинг Rambler's Top100 Reading of the aesthetes in gallery показано число посетителей за сегодня
Press absurdity! Don't touch!!!

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Copyright © 2002 — 2005
Design and content by Sergey Masalovich

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