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Gallery of Galleries in EnglishGallery of Galleries in RussianBeauty will save the world, and art will save beauty

in Gallery of Russian and World Artists


Nude. Lev Ovchinnikov.
Print, posters' cards from master’s gallery All printed art and mass media: lithography, monoprint, serigraphy aquatint, drypoint, lift-ground prints, etching, line engraving, mezzotint, stipple engraving, soft-ground prints.
Plackards and web-cards.

Venus Tavrichesky with hands In our gallery Art shop you can buy pictures, drawings, sculptures, works of decorative art, posters by modern Russian and Ukrainian artists, you can order a reproduction of classical and frames for pictures
and graphic art.

Birth of Venus. Boris Kazakov All printed art and mass media: lithography, monoprint, serigraphy aquatint, drypoint, lift-ground prints, etching, line engraving, mezzotint, stipple engraving, soft-ground prints.
Plackards and web-cards.

We're Three Greeces. Yury Potapov

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Appointment. Boris Kazakov in nude art’s gallery In Ancient Greece there were the Three Graces. In our gallery there are many more of them. Care to convince yuorself? The pastel Graces of the last classical artist of modern Russian art, professor Kazakov, are no less perfect than the Renaisance masters' Graces. Lev Ovchinnikov's graphic nudes have no analogues in world art. Fyodor Dostoyevsky said: «Beauty will save the world». And I speak: «Art will save beauty!»

Nude with pomegranate. Lev OvchinnikovAuction of artworks and art investments. Means of support of our Castiron Kozma prize and other art projects. The auction will enable not only art lovers and connaisseurs in business spheres to become happy owners of art objects, but also give them a unique opportunity to participate in the formation of an art platform on a new level and a cultural policy of new times, taking art to the spheres of conception and philosophy.

Three graces. Boris KazakovFree art gallery of modern and abstract painting, sculpture, graphic art by St-Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev, Paris, New York and Peking artists. Modernism, Avant-gardism, Nonconformism and Postmodernism of 1955 — 2005. Abstract art has puzzled and confused many Russian leaders, it was forbidden in the USSR. Now it is free and accessible in any modern gallery or museum and on TV, but it still is not understod by many people...
Three Greeces in a Cube. Pisets Sergy Venus with HP by Diego Velasquez Sleeping Venus with Cola by Giorgione Three graces. Raphael

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