News, sensations, scandals in art life. Serious
news and art jokes...
Russian literature, parody, art, history, humour, absurd art. Kozma
Prutkov is the first complete Russian classic on the Internet. The
Cheerful Pushkin. Modern Russian literature
and art gallery.
The art of Russian icon-painting: an unknown icon-painter from
the 12th c. (The Russian museum, St. Petersburg), the greatest medieval
Russian painter Andrey Rublyov, whose masterpiece is a magnificent
icon of «The Old Testament Trinity» (The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow).
Modern icons in cathedrals and churches of St. Petersburg.
Art of Hesychasm in modern Russian painting.
Classics of modern Russian art of the 2nd half
of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century in our Gallery.
The arts of painting, sculpture, architecture, graphic arts, printmaking,
photography. A gallery of Abstract art, Abstract Expressionism,
Metaphysical Painting, Neo-Expressionism, Pop art, Surrealism, Symbolism,
Postmodernism, Social Realism, and Nonconformism in Soviet art.
Art from the European Stone Age to Ancient Classical Art, the Renaissance,
the Baroque, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Russian Peredvizhniki Ilya
Repin, Vasily Surikov and masters of the Avant-Garde and Postmodernism...
Gallery of modern and abstract painting,
sculpture, graphic art by St-Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev, Paris, New
York and Peking artists. Modernism, Avant-gardism, Nonconformism
and Postmodernism
of 1955 — 2005.
Abstract art has puzzled and confused many Russian leaders, it was
forbidden in the USSR. Now it is free and accessible in any modern
gallery or museum and on TV, but it still is not understod by many
All children in studio wish to become artists, not understanding
that they already are artists. To artists from 3 till 6 years. Creating
these works, they were not able to write and the signature on children's
pictures was placed by the teacher.
All visual and graphic art, plastic and decorative art (enamelwork,
lacquerwork, furniture, glasswares, functional design, mosaic, stained-glass
window, pottery, gobelin tapestry, architecture and interior design,
painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, photography, modelling,
artists' personal techniques: oil on canvas and cardboard, enamel,
watercolour, ink, linocut, met art, wooden engraving, distemper,
fresco, gouache...)
Kozma Prutkov said: «Looking at the world, it is necessary to be
surprised!» Looking at the world through the camera, not only it
is necessary to be surprised, but it is possible as well to embody
the moments of surprise.
http://www.artpetersburg.ru/photo/gallery.htm |
Jokes in art. Ironic art gallery, absurdity,
styob, caricature, cartoon. Art parodies to the Renaissance, classical
and modern artists of Russia and the World: Giorgione, Leonardo
da Vinci, Raphaello, Rubens, Velazquez, David, Monet, peredvizhniki
Ilya Repin, Ivan Aivazovsky, Vasily Surikov, Victor Vasnetsov, Nikolas
Roerich, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Vasily Kandinsky, suprematist
Kazimir Malevich, and... the Unknown Sculptor.
All printed art and mass
media: lithography, monoprint, serigraphy aquatint, drypoint, lift-ground
prints, etching, line engraving, mezzotint, stipple engraving, soft-ground
Plackards and web-cards.
In Ancient Greece there were the Three Graces. In our gallery there
are many more of them. Care to convince yuorself? The pastel Graces
of the last classical artist of modern Russian art, professor Kazakov,
are no less perfect than the Renaisance masters' Graces. Lev Ovchinnikov's
graphic nudes have no analogues in world art. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
said: «Beauty will save the world». And I speak: «Art will save
What makes our art portfolio interesting
is that its internal volume incommensurably surpasses the external
and comprises functional and interior design, the optimization of
sites, flash-presentations...
If the old masters of the Renaissance had a computer, would they
have painted with a brush? A self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci
turns up in our gallery five centuries after his death.
Computer graphic e-art. Different kinds and genres of computer graphics,
computer design.
Programs for computer graphic art.
The art advertising agency has attracted
great masters of arts and outstanding historical figures. Falconet
and Peter the Great, Vasnetsov and Ivan The Terrible, Giorgione
and his Venus are mobilized on a cheerful advertising campaign.
Computer Art Rating is a new unique exclusive computer
technology for testing pictures, images and art objects on their
stylistic features.
Perhaps, on a scale of eternal values, somewhere between
Leonardo da Vinci and Jackson Pollock your picture should be found.
Just maybe, your art is even greater. You will find the direct genius
test on our Art Rating page.
In our library we have philosophers and authors — first of all the
classics of the joyful genre.
Dear reader, if you are poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin,
we shall be delighted to publish your new works heres.
Works of modern masters of this Art Gallery have been got by many
museums and collections of the world. They decorate National Galleries,
the Hermitage, the Metropolitan and Russian State Museums, the Dresden
Gallery and the Tretyakov Gallery, museums of St.-Petersburg, Moscow,
New York, Paris, Peking, and private assemblies of the collectors,
to whose numbers you can be added as well now.
http://www.artpetersburg.ru/collection/ |
In our gallery Art shop you can buy pictures, drawings,
sculptures, works of decorative art, posters by modern Russian and
Ukrainian artists, you can order a reproduction of classical and
modern pictures and frames for pictures and graphic art.
You can buy advertisement, banners, a site...
The Nobel Prize and Oscar are very old prizes. Let them entertain
the vanity of your grandmothers and great-grandfathers.
Castiron Kozma is the new prize in absurd art and parody of the
3rd millenium.
http://www.artpetersburg.ru/catalog/internet.htm |
Auction of artworks and art investments. Means of support of our
Castiron Kozma prize and other art projects. The auction will enable
not only art lovers and connaisseurs in business spheres to become
happy owners of art objects, but also give them a unique opportunity
to participate in the formation of an art platform on a new level
and a cultural policy of new times, taking art to the spheres of
conception and philosophy.
Here are the Hermitage and the Russian Museum, St.-Petersburg (Leningrad);
the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the Tretyakov Gallery,
Moscow; the Louvre, Paris; the National Gallery, London; the National
Gallery, Berlin; the National Portrait Gallery and the Metropolitan
Museum of Art, New York City; the Dresden Gallery... And where is
your great gallery?
The history of art: dates, events, celebrations, biographies, people
and symbols. Encyclopedia-calendar: the Annals of art in dates,
about 10 000 persons and characters with illustrations and anecdotes.
News on eternity.
Kazan and St. Isaacs Cathedrals and other churches of Saint-Petersburg,
Russia and the World. Temple treasures. Ancient and pagan relics
and art. Ortodoxy and heathenism. Cultural monuments of Southern
Russia and the Northern Caucasus from the 4th c. BC. The oldest
monument of ancient Russian culturedates back 9.5 thousand years.
A Slavic Venus of 24 thousand years old...
The occult in the spheres of arts and science.
Pythagoras's magic square. Numerology and the numeric horoscope.
An account of a numeric code of the human personality online and
interactive calculation of a person's character.
Any more galleries?..
Gallery is very popular query. The word 'gallery' is asked more
than 200000 times every month according to search engines Yandex
and Rambler's stats. What are all those seekers really looking for?
We will try to answer this question on this site, in the catalogue,
on the Internet:
In former times the Russian word for "link" lead to Siberia
and meant exile. Now it leads to the Internet and implies partnership.
But if your Internet-resources are based in Siberia, we shall send
you with your link to Siberia, and if it's further away, e.g. in
Alaska, we shall send you to Alaska or to the first exhibition-gallery
on the Antarctic Continent.
The catalogue of links on art, literature, education, culture, history
— into the past and back.
Any more art?..
Art is an even more popular query than Gallery.
This word, according to Yandex and Rambler, is asked
more than 850000 times each month.
What , once again, are all those seekers really looking for?
We will try to answer this question on this site,
in the catalogue,
on the Internet: